Well, you’ve heard it all before – it’s tick season AGAIN!
Most people living on the Lower North Shore and Northern Beaches are well-versed in awareness of the presence of ticks, especially during Spring and early Summer. These times seem to always be the peak of tick activity, due to a sudden change in weather, temperature and humidity levels.
We have seen an influx of cases in the last 2 weeks of patients with ticks. Most pets are on good tick prevention products, and this really helps. It is important however to remember that no product is 100% protective, and that actively searching your pet after outdoor activities is an essential part of protecting your pet. The paralysis ticks in this area seem to be particularly nasty and we are still seeing cases of tick paralysis in patients who are on tick prevention. These cases have been caught early and therefore the signs are more subtle/early and more easily treatable, making for a good prognosis.
Please call or email us if you have any questions about ticks, including the best tick prevention products for your pet and signs to monitor for with tick paralysis.
Hopefully we can prevent more tick cases with awareness of tick presence and vigilant monitoring of your pets, particularly during this time.
Keep up the good work!
The Beaches Vet Team